Friday, 29 May 2015

The Difference Between Petty Theft and Grand Theft – Answered by a San Diego Theft Lawyer

Many people are unaware of the scale of theft charges and the difference between petty theft and grand theft. These differences can be helpful when discerning which type of theft charge is applicable to the situation you are dealing with, what defenses may be applicable, and what consequences you may be facing. The main distinctions specifically pertain to the amount of property that has been allegedly stolen and the type of penalty associated with the crime. If you are facing charges of theft, it is important you are educated on the type of charge and you have armed yourself with an experienced attorney who will stand by your side and fight avidly for your defense.

 San Diego Theft Lawyer

What is Petty Theft in California

According to California Penal Code §§484 and 488, the main difference between petty theft and grand theft is that petty theft applies to a lesser amount of stolen property. If the amount of stolen property’s value is less than $950 total, the alleged perpetrator will be charged with petty theft. This charge is generally categorized as a misdemeanor, which is a lesser offense than a felony. Considering petty theft is categorized as a misdemeanor rather than a felony, it also carries less serious penalties than grand theft. For example, if convicted of petty theft a perpetrator could be facing probation, up to six 6 months in county jail, and/or a fine of up to $1,000. The California Penal Code also states that petty theft involves property that was not taken directly from the owner, such as from the person’s clothing, body, or a container held or carried by the person. This type of criteria is usually applicable during a mugging or robbery, which is a different classification of theft.

What is Felony Theft in California

On the greater scale of theft is felony theft as it involves stolen property greater than $950 in total value and could result in greater penalties or punishment. These charges are usually seen as Commercial Burglary, Vehicle Theft, Theft From Person, or Fraud. There are factors that can automatically result in a charge of felony theft as well, regardless of the value of the item(s) stolen. For instance, if the perpetrator used a gun or has stolen a vehicle, they will automatically be charged with a felony rather than petty theft. Most felony theft charges are unique in the sense that it can be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or a felony. If charged as a misdemeanor, a perpetrator could be facing up to one (1) year in county jail, however if charged as a felony they could be facing probation and jail for up to one (1) year, or  16 months, two (2) years, or three (3) years in state prison.

Contact Experienced San Diego Theft Lawyer – Ashby C. Sorensen Today 

If you have been charged with a theft related crime, you need to act quickly and obtain the legal representation you can trust to safeguard your legal rights. The sooner you can work on your defense and retain an experienced San Diego Theft Lawyer, the more confident you can be when facing your charges. Call (858) 999-6921 now to schedule your free consultation or ask Attorney Ashby Sorensen any questions you may have about your charges.

Location: 1455 Frazee Road #500, San Diego, CA 92108, USA


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Ashby C. Sorensen

Ashby C. Sorensen
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