San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses the Effect of Three Strikes Law Reform
Most Californians, and the nation in general are familiar with the heavy three strikes law and the punishment of 25 years to life in prison if convicted of a third offense. However, many individuals may not be aware that certain developments have created a shift in the effect of the law and reform has created possibility for those convicted in the past. Because the law was vague in deciphering what constituted as a “violent” offense, an influx of “strikers” were created and prisons began to be grossly overcrowded. As a result, Proposition 36 was passed in 2012 to combat this result and dilute the amount of “strikers” by narrowing those that qualified by definition. The 2012 reform essentially stated there would no longer be a mandatory 25-years-to-life sentence for "strikers" whose third strike is not a "serious" or "violent" felony. Not only were California voters overwhelmingly supportive of this outcome, so were the imprisoned “strikers” considering they were able to petition against their newly found unfair term.
Term Reduction for Those Serving a Three Strikes Sentence
In order to know if you or a loved one that is serving a sentence is eligible for a sentence reduction, it is important to first understand what convictions qualify for consideration. Serious or violent felonies were listed under the Three Strikes Law, and therefore qualified for possible sentence reduction. Generally, most felonies involving violence were on the list, including rape, robbery, burglary and murder given the heinous nature of the crime.
Many juvenile offenses are also on the list considering the harshness the Three Strikes Law imposed. For a juvenile conviction to qualify for reduction, the offense and defendant must meet certain criteria. These include the defendant being 16 years of age or older at the time of the offense, the conviction qualifying as a strike under the California Penal Code definitions of violent or serious felony and that the crime is listed in California Welfare and Institutions Code 707(b).
Other types of offenses can count as well and qualify for sentence reduction in the state of California. For example, if the offense occurred out of state it may count as a strike so long as it would qualify as a strike in California. Multiple strikes that may have accumulated in a single trial may also qualify collectively and do not need to be brought and tried separately. Given the intricate nature of the reform and the complexity of understanding what does and does not qualify, it is recommended that you speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in the applicable California laws.
Call a San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney with Three Strikes Questions Today
If you are serving a sentence you feel warrants reduction, or know of a loved one who deserves to be released early under Three Strikes, contact our office today. Trust that Criminal Defense Attorney in San Diego, Ashby Sorensen has your best interest in mind, and will fight for your rights and freedom. Call (858) 999-6921 today for your free consultation.
Ashby C. Sorensen, attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Lawyer, Defense Attorney, Defense Lawyer, Defense Lawyer Ashby C. Sorensen, Drug Lawyer, lawyer
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