Thursday, 11 June 2015

DUI Defence by San Diego Lawyer

Being arrested and charged with a DUI can be a very serious offense and may result in harsh punishments. There are a variety of factors and circumstances that lead to certain types of DUI charges. The number of DUI offenses you have previously acquired, whether there was injury to the other party, or the level of that person’s injury are all factors that determine what type of DUI classification you could be charged with. It is important to know the different types of DUI charges so you are educated on what constitutes each type, the available defenses that could be applicable in your case, and the scope of possible penalties and sentences you could be facing.

 San Diego Dui Defense Lawyer

Different Levels of DUI Offenses

Each time a person has been arrested and charged with a DUI, the level of offense increases.  Meaning, for example, if it is your first offense, you will be charged with a 1st Offense DUI, and if it is your third, you will face 3rd Offense DUI charges. However, this only applies if the prior conviction was within 10 years of the new offense that you are charged with. The level of penalty and amount of fine also increases with each offense. Some possible consequences an individual may be faced with are suspension of driving privileges, lofty fines, probation, and jail time. Whether it is your 1st offense, or you have multiple DUI’s on your record, you have options and an experienced San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer can help you achieve the most favorable outcome.

Vehicular Manslaughter DUI and Felony DUI

Regarding Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated, the level of charge classification depends on the level of negligence with which a person acted. If you acted with gross negligence, you will be charged with a felony under Penal Code 191.5(a), which leads to a sentence in state prison of four (4), six (6) or ten (10) years. However, if you acted with ordinary negligence, you will be charged with Penal Code 191.5(b) ordinary vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated. Ordinary Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated under 191.5(b) is what California calls a “wobbler” charge; meaning, it can be classified as either a misdemeanor (up to one (1) year in county jail) or a felony (16 months, two (2) or four (4) years in prison).

Felony DUI with Injury

You may also be charged with a Felony DUI. A Felony DUI occurs if another person suffers injury or death because you (1) drove under the influence, and (2) either committed an additional vehicle code violation or drove in an otherwise negligent manner which caused someone to be injured. In other words, both elements have to be present, and the additional vehicular violation had to have been committed while you were driving under the influence and your driving caused injury to another person.

Contact Qualified San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer – Ashby C. Sorensen Today 

Despite the type of DUI you have been charged with, or whether or not it is your first offense, our law firm is here to help. If you want the best possible outcome for your case, contact a San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer who has the experience you need today. You have legal rights and we are here to protect them. Call (858) 999-6921 now for your free consultation with a qualified DUI Defense Lawyer who will fight vigorously for your rights.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

California Drug Offense Defenses – Reviewed by a San Diego Drug Lawyer

Most people who are arrested for a drug offense in California are unaware that there may be a variety of possible defenses used to drop or lessen their charges. The impact of a drug charge can be heavy in both personal/professional consequence and punishment. If you are facing drug charges and would like an experienced San Diego Drug Lawyer to review your case and your options with you, Attorney Ashby C. Sorensen is here to help. With years of experience assisting clients in dropping or lowering their charges, he understands the system and knows what it takes to be successful. He is incredibly knowledgeable of California’s Drug Laws and consequently the defenses that are applicable in receiving the best possible outcome.

 San Diego Drug Lawyer

Possession of a Controlled Substance

If you were in possession of cocaine, heroin, crack, ketamine, GHB, ecstasy or some prescription drugs, Health & Safety Code 11350 states that this violation is a misdemeanor. This type of misdemeanor drug charge may be punishable to up to three (1) year in the county jail. However, most people are unaware that they may be eligible for a Proposition 36 or Penal Code 1000 drug diversion. Proposition 36 modifies California’s drug laws as applicable to some repeat offenders, and PC 1000 allows eligible drug offenders to be "diverted" into an outpatient drug counseling program rather than become part of the criminal court system. An experienced and knowledgeable drug lawyer will be able to assess your circumstances and inform you of your options and qualifications in this regard.

Possession for Sale of Narcotics

Although Health & Safety Code 11351 makes it a felony to possess illegal drugs for the purpose of selling them, some offenders may have options regarding their defense. Proposition 36 and PC 1000 do not apply in terms of possession for sale, however many police officers assume certain quantities are intended for sale when in actuality they are in possession for personal use. Cops can sometimes use faulty information when accusing people of HS 11351 and an attorney who knows the law can aggressively fight in your defense. Attorney Sorensen has also punched holes in many prosecutors cases and had evidence suppressed by showing a warrant was unjustified or improperly obtained.

Call San Diego Drug Lawyer Ashby C. Sorensen Today

If you are facing charges for the possession or possession for sale of drugs, you need an attorney by your side that will fight for your defense. You have legal rights and the justice system is not always easy to believe your side. San Diego Drug Lawyer Ashby Sorensen is experienced in drug law, and has fought for many individual’s rights and rigorously works for the best possible outcome of his clients. Call (858) 999-6921 today for a free consultation and learn what your options are, and how you can drop or lessen your drug charges. 

About Ashby C. Sorensen

 San Diego Theft Lawyer

Ashby C. Sorensen works hard to achieve the goals of his clients while maintaining their constitutional rights. An energetic, aggressive, and experienced trial attorney, Mr. Ashby C. Sorensen has devoted his career primarily to the defense of criminal matters, but he also maintains a general civil litigation practice.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Get Rid of Charges With Expert Advice From San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

If you have been charged with domestic violence, you could be facing serious penalties and sentencing. Understandably you are probably dealing with a high amount of stress and a variety of emotions. The one thing you cannot afford to do is waste time by standing idol. The district attorney and their team has already begun developing a case regarding the charges they are pursuing against you. You need to fight back with a powerful defense and an experienced attorney by your side who is knowledgeable of how the system works and will fight for your legal rights. Regardless of whether the victim who brought forth the charges has recanted or insisted they no longer wish to press charges, the district attorney’s office will usually proceed with the case. Be sure you have an attorney fighting on your side to ensure those charges are dropped or pursued fairly if they do proceed.

 San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic Violence Lawyer Ashby Sorensen Will Fight for Your Legal Rights

Almost every district attorney’s office in California has a unit specifically assigned to prosecuting cases of domestic violence, and yours is most likely no different. Whether you are at fault for the offense or the domestic violence allegations were made impulsively and falsely, our team of defense attorneys can help ensure you are given the best defense possible. Domestic Violence charges are pursued very seriously in California and you could be facing much greater penalties than an individual facing assault or battery charges. Unfortunately, many false allegations of domestic abuse are made every day and inflated claims are pursued all of the time. The court system is often sympathetic to alleged victims as well.  Accordingly, you need an attorney who will fight for your legal rights and be sure the court knows your side of the story.

You Could Be Facing Serious Penalties

Charges for domestic violence are not taken lightly in California and the court may not be gentle when it comes to punishments. Most importantly, domestic violence charges will go on an individual’s permanent record, surfacing any time a routine background check is made, making it very difficult for someone to get a job, own a firearm, and many other serious consequences. Someone faced with domestic violence charges could be sentenced on a variety of levels depending on the seriousness of the injuries, and if the defendant has a criminal record. Cases can either be a misdemeanor and carry a maximum penalty of 1 year in the county jail, or they can be a felony depending on the seriousness of the case and you could be facing a lengthy sentence in state prison. Most convictions will also require the defendant to complete a 52-week domestic violence rehabilitation class, on top of serving probation and any time in custody

Contact Qualified San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer Ashby C. Sorensen Today

If you have been charged with domestic violence you need a San Diego Domestic Violence lawyer you can count on to fight for your legal rights. You could be facing serious penalties or sentencing that could affect your permanent criminal record. Call (858) 999-6921 now to schedule your free consultation or speak with attorney Ashby Sorensen today to develop the best defense to drop or decrease your charges today.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Criminal Defense Strategies Discussed by a San Diego Defense Attorney

The most important part of combating criminal charges is the strength of your defense. The prosecutor’s job is to pursue the state’s charges against you as vigorously as possible to ensure a ruling in their favor. If you and your attorney are not doing the same, your legal rights may not be adequately defended and you may receive punishment you don’t deserve. How an attorney builds a defense for their client is what measures their value and the benefit they can provide you. You don’t want a defense attorney who simply shuffles through cases and takes any plea bargain they are offered. Every case is different, and every defense should be handled differently; therefore, you need an attorney who will represent you adequately throughout the entire process.

 Defense Attorney San Diego

Defending Your Side of the Story

A talented defense attorney such as Ashby Sorensen understands exactly how the prosecution is formulating their case, and as such, will proactively prepare to defend yours. The value of an experienced and knowledgeable defense attorney lies in knowing how to best portray your side of the story given the facts at hand. Many juries tend to favor the prosecution’s side of the story, whereas defense attorney Sorensen knows how to show the jury your side, gain their sympathy, and create balance in the scales of justice. A criminal case essentially comes down to who can tell the best story based on the facts and portray the most believable truth.  With this in mind, it is essential to retain an attorney who knows both the law and the system and can defend your legal rights aggressively.

A Counselor, Advisor and Coach

A good defense attorney will represent their client in court; however, a great defense attorney will be a representative, a counselor, an advisor and a coach – all in one. There are many stages to a criminal case and you want an attorney who you trust to be at your side throughout the entire process. The sign of a truly valuable defense attorney is one who assesses your case with you, advises you of your options, coaches you through the process in the most effective way and is a zealous counselor on your behalf in the courtroom when it is most needed. A criminal defense attorney’s job is to act as a safeguard between you and the court system. They are there to privately and confidently listen to anything you have to say and provide you with encouragement that they will aggressively defend your legal rights. Defense Attorney Sorensen has successfully fulfilled this role with many clients and is ready to do the same for you.

Contact an Experienced Defense Attorney in San Diego – Ashby C. Sorensen – Today

If you are facing criminal charges, your attorney and your defense are the only two things working in your favor. It is important to hire a Defense Attorney San Diego who has your best interest in mind and will work for the best outcome to your case. Help us help you protect your legal rights. Call (858) 999-6921 now for your free consultation and to start building your defense today. 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Types of California Criminal Infractions Discussed by a San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, it is important to know the varying classifications of criminal offenses, and the possible penalties you could be facing. An experienced criminal defense lawyer, who is knowledgeable in this area of law, will be able to assess your situation and provide the best possible defense. California has certain laws pertaining to criminal matters that can greatly heighten or lessen the amount of penalty or jail time you may face. Without this knowledge, you may be unprepared against the state’s case against you if you decide to represent yourself or choose a less qualified attorney. Don’t take the chance or risk more jail time than necessary - hire a criminal defense attorney who will aggressively defend your rights.

 Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego

What Constitutes a Felony Criminal Charge?

A felony is the most serious of the criminal charges and can result in the most severe consequences. All defendants are afforded the right to a jury trial and have the right to counsel. Types of felonious crimes can vary from violent crimes, drug crimes, white collar crimes to serious bodily injury. Felonies may result in probation with some jail time, or jail time ranging from more than one (1) year to a life sentence, or even death. Considering the weight of felony charges and the gravity of consequences that may result, it is highly recommended to retain a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney. Don’t risk more jail time and hire an attorney who knows the system and can help you obtain the best possible outcome.

What Classifies as a Misdemeanor Criminal Charge?

A misdemeanor is the second tier in criminal offense charges and is punishable by up to one (1) year in jail and usually at least 3 years of probation. Punishments for misdemeanors can also include community service, a fine, probation, and various forms of restitution. Defendants charged with misdemeanor crimes are guaranteed the right to a jury trial given the increased severity of the charges.  Some offenses that constitute a misdemeanor may be elevated to a felony if the defendant is a second-time offender.

What Classifies as an Infraction in California?

Infractions, or violations are the prettiest of the criminal offenses and usually result in only monetary fines and no jail time. The most common type of infraction is usually traffic violations. Oftentime's an attorney is not required for typical infractions, however many individuals choose to hire one if they do not wish to attend traffic school or do not want further points on their license.

Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in San Diego Today

Facing criminal charges can be an incredibly stressful time in anyone’s life, and our firm understands the urgency in building your defense. Let Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego, Ashby C. Sorensen ease your fears and aggressively fight to defend you and your legal rights. The state has already begun building their case against you. Call (858) 999-6921 now for your free consultation to start building your strongest defense possible.

Ashby C. Sorensen

Ashby C. Sorensen
Defense Lawyer

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